Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Drive

Do you ever find yourself driving... either to home or work or wherever it is you may be going... And you zone out and boom, you're at your destination but you have no idea how you got there?

Sometimes I feel like we go through life this way. Often times we are so focused one our ending that we aren't even paying attention to the journey that's getting us there. 

You see, every curve, every stop light, every detour...though sometimes throwing a few inconveniences into our ride...they all lead us to that final destination. 

So the next time you feel angry or frustrated that you have to take a different route. Just remember, God throw us little detours in our lives so that we may reach the final destination that He has for us. 

Don't zone out, take in the ride, look at the blue sky, the sunrise, the sunset, when it rains don't lose hope... because you can't have a rainbow without the rain.

Have a blessed day. 😘

Pick Up and Press On

She's been through more things than anyone can ever imagine. She's experienced loss, heartbreak, betrayal. She flinches when someone...