Wednesday, March 15, 2023

To The Younger Me

My dear girl, you're going to see so many trials. You're going to face obstacles that you think are going to break you, but because you're strong, you are going to make it. You're going to lose loved ones, people you couldn't ever imagine your life without. They are always with you. You are going to get your heart broken a time or two, but that's preparing you for the right one that God has for you. I'm going to tell you right now...he's amazing, so don't lose hope. How do I know, you ask? Well because he's different, he's a man of God. What's not to love about that?

You're going to experience betrayal, don't ever let that allow you to question your worth, because you, my dear, are fearfully and wonderfully made. You're going to lose friendships that you thought were solid, but you'll realize that their foundation was built on sand. This will lead you to having the strongest circle you could ever imagine. You're best friend is the best you could ask for. She keeps you on track. She picks you up even when she's struggling herself.

Keep your faith strong, because the smile at the end of this road is life changing. The woman you become loves herself more than you can fathom. The smile you'll see in the mirror is genuine and it's all because of you. No one but you gives her that smile. Keep on keeping on.

Much Love,

The Best Version Of You

Pick Up and Press On

She's been through more things than anyone can ever imagine. She's experienced loss, heartbreak, betrayal. She flinches when someone...