Sunday, September 12, 2021

Strong Foundation

The first house I bought was a fixer upper. My husband at the time and I bought it with so many plans to update every room in the house. It had so much potential. Room by room we finished our goals. At the time of our divorce we only had the bathroom yet to do. As time went we had to make the decision on whether one of us kept the home, or do we sell? 

We had agreed at the beginning that I keep the home, I mean, after all we did put a lot of money into it in order to make the improvements. I had my dream kitchen. I loved my new flooring. I prided myself on the landscaping need had finished. Our new patio fire pit in the back yard. 

One day my daughter pointed out a dip in the living room floor. I had an experienced contractor take a look...turns out the main foundation of the home was falling apart.

You see we often go through life experiencing things that put cracks on our foundation. We then look to put a band aid over those cracks. We go to the gym to get our dream body. We undergo plastic surgery to change our body. We change our hair. We attempt anything to improve the way we will look to the world. All the while the foundation is crumbling under us. We cannot be a whole house without that main foundation being strong. 1 Samuel says it best in chapter 16 verse 7 - "Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." God isn't looking at the way we look, He's looking at our soul. 

How's your remodeling going on your soul?

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